The Healers Grove

This is where we showcase the women within our community who are masterful within their chosen modality of the healing arts. These women are here to offer their services and provide focused 1:1 sessions during the festival.

These women are compelled to support, care and tend to our community through their services: massage and cupping, acupuncture and TCM, biodynamics and cranio-sacral therapy, energy work, intuitive counsel, and more!

When We Heal

We gather to remember our power, and 
to bring us home to ourselves

Kyra Newton

1:1 Somatic Experiencing Sessions

  • Kyra is a Somatic Trauma Resolution Practitioner, Dancer, & Facilitator. She believes in the power of meeting yourself where you’re at with compassion and curiosity in order to create healing. Her practice focuses on helping you return to the language of your body and nervous system to restore regulation and find resolution.

    • 1:1 Somatic Experiencing Sessions: Somatic Experiencing is an effective healing method to resolve your trauma & regulate your nervous system. The goal of our session is to follow the wisdom of YOUR body. As your practitioner, I track your nervous system to observe signs of fight, flight, and freeze, with the aim of moving towards deactivation and resolution. This process restores regulation, and creates an inner sense of relief.

  • Book directly with Kyra here

    Contact Krya for more information here

Kelsey Phillips

Ceremonial Kundalini Activation Sessions

    • Ceremonial Kundalini Activation Sessions: Kundalini Activation is the activation of your raw life force energy, a transmission to awaken your energetic, emotional and spiritual field. It connects you to your essence and can bring you bliss, peace, inner freedom, clarity and presence. It helps you release any blocks or fears that keep you from evolving. This is a journey of self-discovery of your inner truth and wisdom. A dance within the field of the Divine Mother frequency. I welcome you with an open heart and am honored to guide you through this sacred ceremony.

    • The session: You will lay down on your back with your eyes closed and receive a 60 min sound journey starting with conscious breath then opening the channel of Kundalini Shakti energy, the Divine Mother field. After the ceremony we will connect and I’ll guide you with integration support. As a sacred feminine space holder I will guide you with conscious breath with energy work allowing for a somatic release. With the wisdom of safe space holding, I will track your nervous system and create a safe space for you to close trauma cycles and release in anyway that comes through you. This journey is one of full surrender; the more that you let go, the more you receive.

    The entire session will be 1.5 hours and there will be 1:1 and group offerings

  • Contact Kelsey for more information here

    Book your private session with Kelsey here

    Book your group session with Kelsey here

Michelle Paul

Sound & Integrative Healing

  • Founder of Sovereign Soul Sound + Energy Alchemy in Saskatchewan has studied and become certified in the holistic healing modalities of:

    • Shamanism

    • Sound Healing/ Therapy

    • Crystal Healing

    • Usui Holy Fire III Reiki

    • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

    • Cacao Ceremony Facilitation

    • Hapé Ceremony Facilitation

    • Sound & Integrative Healing: In her 1:1 Session offerings at E.D.F she provides a non judgmental, trauma informed healing container with opportunities for spiritual growth and Sovereignty, connection to self, relaying the whispers from your body and soul, transforming pain and lower vibrational emotion into light, releasing stress, anxiety, tension, self doubt/ sabotage, limiting beliefs, people pleasing, holding yourself back, or needing to fit in. With the intention of creating healthy boundaries, radical self expression, and personal freedom. Connected to source, your guides, gifts + soul purpose.

  • Contact Michelle for more information here

Joelle Bourque

ReWilding Photo Sessions

  • I'm a Self-love coach and photographer, forest Bathing Guide and Meditation/ Mindfulness teacher. My passion is to help guide women to find their inner power so they can make the shifts they wish to see in their lives. I want women to live their most authentic lives and embrace their unique souls. To be in control of their mind, body and soul connection. I want all women to see their true beauty, inside and out. Every woman deserves to live as the wild woman she is meant to be without judgement from herself or fear of judgment from the outside world.

    • SelfLove ReWilding Photo Sessions: I will be offering mini rewild therapeutic sessions at the festival. These will be a combination of self love, forest bathing and meditation practices and will end in a mini photoshoot. The photo session can be naked in nature or just creative portraits. Each session comes with 5 digital images.

    $111 pre-booking rate

  • Book your session with Joelle directly here

    Contact Joelle for more information here

    $111 pre-booking rate

  • Michele is an Ayurveda Health Counsellor whose passion is health education and the empowerment that comes from understanding the body's messages. Michele utilizes knowledge and experience from 15+ years of nursing, Ayurveda, Reiki, and Yoga to customize a path to well-being and balance for her clients. Living in congruence with our authentic nature, observing health patterns, breaking out of symptom management cycles, and aging gracefully are the ultimate goals at dusty rose lifestyle. Michele grew up in a remote northern community and was fortunate to have a close connection to nature from a young age. She has always enjoyed travel and loves learning and incorporating health and wellness practices from around the world. Michele currently resides near Golden, British Columbia and operates virtually with clients from all backgrounds.

    • Ayurvedic Consults & Abhyanga Treatments: Gatherings of wild souls like ours can be highly energetic and transformational events, which can lead to increased Vata Dosha for some people. Ayurveda practices help balance the Doshas and ground energy in a powerful way. Abhyanga (warm oil application) is a deeply supportive practice to create space in our consciousness to root the new knowledge and experiences gained at this event. “Sneha” in Sanskrit translates to both oil and love, Abhyanga practices coat the body in love and intention! Each session will include an Ayurveda Consultation, followed by an Abhyanga and energy practice, along with an Ayurveda-inspired beverage. A hair oiling session can be added on for a truly nourishing experience. As a special thank you, you will also receive a discount code for my next (virtual) Ayurveda program intake!

  • Schedule directly with Michele here

    Contact Michele for more information here

Michele Rose

Ayurvedic Consults & Abhyanga Treatments

Lacey Nedjelski

Hands-On/Hands-In Pelvic Care

  • I am Lacey, daughter of Lannell, Granddaughter of Florance and Olive and mother to Reier, Thaine, Jaevin, Davyn and Iniah. I have walked along side of women the last two decades in conception, birth, postpartum, death and all the spaces in between. I have listened to the call of the great mother and know that deep healing amongst women, including myself and know that the work is never truly done - but we can create spaces to come together in sisterhood and hold one another as we shift through layers of ourselves. I am honoured to be here.

    • Hands-On/Hands-In Pelvic Care: Hi, I am Lacey and I am thrilled to be offering womb work, hands on/in therapy at the festival this year. I lean into the wisdom of what the body whispers, while working with the body to bring it into alignment. Together, we co-create a space that emanates safety , regulation and awareness to allow softness to return and release what is ready. I cant wait to work with you!

  • Contact Lacey for more information here

Coralee Salomons

Integrative Native Healing Sessions with Sacred Sound & Intuitive Massage

  • Coralee is of the Plains Cree descent, is a reiki master practitioner and sound healer and loves to share unique transcendental experiences of connecting with our ancestors for guidance & healing.

    • Immersive Native Healing Experiences; with Sacred Sound, Reiki & Intuitive Massage: This experience helps create a sacred space for each individual while working with the elements of the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the ancestral healing wisdom. This Sacred Space allows for a deeper connection to one's heart and soul. Welcoming deeper layers to come to the surface to be nurtured, supported and encouraged to be released, bringing a sense of freedom and lightness.

      The session includes a consultation, calming guided meditation and your own channelled soul song & sound, healing energy and intuitive massage.

    • Tools used may include: Soul Language (speaking to ones soul with vocal sound), Sound Healing (Crystal & Tibetan bowl, Drum & Rattle), Holy Fire III Reiki. Afterwards I can offer Spiritual Guidance & tools for everyday living.

    60 minutes, 90 minutes to 2 hr sessions available. Each one will be uniquely catered to the individuals needs.

Vashty Dansereau

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique & Care

  • Vashty Dansereau has been working in the rehabilitation field for over 20years. She found a passion to help people heal chronic issues from their physical, emotional and spiritual body with ease. Combining her love of community, Vashty holds sacred space for healing in many different containers; nature school, retreats, sisterhood circles, intentional crafting, spiritual gatherings, and many more on her land just outside of Calgary.

    • Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique & Care: ‘ B.E.S.T., developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr., is a non-forceful, energy balancing, hands-on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body: mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Contact Vashty for more information here

Diane Doyle Lynch

CranioSacral Therapy & Womb Blessings

  • Dianne Doyle-Lynch is the creatrix of Blue Moon Healing & Wellness. She has been holding space of healing for over twenty years as an Manual Practitioner, Wild Moon Woman Retreat leader, and certified Firewalk Instructor, where she welcomes the flame as a teacher of Tranformation and Rebirth. As a Womb Portal keeper, she holds healing space to clear ancestral wounds before conception, as well as sealing the void after birth to protect the mother's sacred space. You'll find her offering CranioSacral Therapy and Womb Blessings in Healers Grove as well as leading the Firewalk Ceremony to close out the festival.

    • CranioSacral Therapy: In this hands-on session, Dianne will lay her hands softly on your head as she calls into balance the central nervous system, hormonal system, cranial tension, head, neck & spine. This is an amazing gift to give yourself if you struggle with headaches, migraines, post-concussion symptoms, anxiety, head/neck tension, eye-strain, jaw pain, sinus pressure or if you'd just like to enjoy a session of bliss as your nervous system breathes a deep sigh of release.

    • Womb Blessings: This session will look different for every woman, as the journey of the Womb is unique. The intention is to create peace in the sacred space that often carries the burdens and scars of our experiences as women. This is for anyone who is ready to cut energetic cords from the Womb; for those in the process of conception and would like to create structural and energetic balance in the pelvis, uterus, ovaries & fallopian tubes; for those ready to release tension after birth trauma, or anyone who feels called to have her Womb space cradled.

  • Schedule your treatment with Diane directly here

    Contact Diane for more information here

Madison Desjarlais

High Speed Womb Healings

  • Madison Desjarlais is a womb healer and highly renowned birth attendant in the lower mainland area of British Columbia. She is the creatrix behind the Ode To Birth community and assists many women on their journey from Maiden into Mother.

    • High Speed Womb Healings: Come and enjoy 45 mins of high speed Bio-Energy healing on whatever chakra is needing a good detox. Bio-Energy is a powerful way to clear your auric field and the benefits will be integrated quickly. Madison’s calm energy will touch your heart and your womb will feel held; rose oil anointing is also available and sacred smoke smudging will be woven into your unique session!

    *There are only 12 spaces available, book now in the section below

  • Schedule your treatment with Madison directly here

    Contact Madison for more information here

    *There are only 12 spaces available

Rachel Pettett

Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage

  • Rachel is a heartworks lomi bodyworker, yoga teacher and women's photographer. Her passion lies in illuminating the interconnectedness between body, spirit, and the natural world and is dedicated to guiding women to reconnect with their unfiltered essence. Her sessions and classes are an invitation to be completely held and to soften into your true nature.

    • Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage: Rachel offers a nurturing space for you to experience the ancient Hawaiian practice of Heartworks Lomi Lomi. This massage is more than just a physical experience. It combines rhythmic, flowing strokes with intentional breathwork and energy balancing to guide the mind, body and soul back to the heart.

  • Schedule your massage directly with Rachel here

    Contact Rachel for more information here

Cailea Davis

Thai Massage, Cupping, Sound & Reiki

    • Thai Massage, Cupping, Sound, & Reiki: Experience the transformative power of intuitive healing with Cailea Davis and Kelsey Baker. Together, they offer sessions designed to cleanse, release, witness, and guide your body, mind, and soul into harmony. Cailea brings over 9 years of experience as a healer, offering table massage and/or Reiki sessions. Her expertise spans Athletic Therapy, Traditional Swedish and Thai Massage, Reiki Mastery, and over 500 hours of Yoga Teacher Training. Meanwhile, Kelsey envelops you in the sacred sounds of the frame drum, Native American flute, and more, tapping into her deep connection with the Divine and her ancestors. Her offerings include holding safe ceremonial space through circles and retreats utilizing Mother Cacao and sound healing.

    Choose from 45 or 60-minute sessions, with limited spots available each day.

  • Contact Cailea for more information here

Ashley Gordon

Reiki Energy Work

  • Ashley's awareness of a cosmological force at play came to her innately while on the inward journey as a young girl. It would be many years later that an experience with plant medicine gave her a tangible understanding of what she had been feeling all along. Energy is to be tapped into and understood as the foundational force of this universe. From there, Ashley was deeply self motivated to study and learn about energy, how it works, how to utilize it, and just how powerful it is. In growing through many devastating hardships in life she has learned to dance within the physical and non physical realms of reality, which has helped her cultivate an unwavering devotion to the spiritual path. This is her happy place. For the past 4 years Ashley has been enjoying being a level 1 & 2 Reiki and energy work practitioner, adding her unique flavour to the modality. It's Ashley's absolute honour to welcome women called to experience her energy work. Her sessions are designed to place you at the centre of the universe and have you leaving feeling lighter, empowered, and well cared for!

    • Reiki Energy Work: Ashley’s healing sessions utilize Reiki energy along with an intuitive flow of rituals to support harmonizing your energy field on many levels, creating ease within your bodily systems, allowing you to soften and expand into a state of relaxation. She incorporates the use of various tools such as crystals and sound bowls to further elevate meeting each clients’ needs in the containers she creates.

  • Book directly with Ashley here

    Contact Ashley for more information here

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